Friday, May 9, 2008

Association for the Welfare of the Disabled People (AWDP) is a non-governmental voluntary organization in Bangladesh, working for improving the ultimate status of persons, women and children with disabilities in the country since April 1996.

AWDP is focused on information communication, training, education, accessibility, participation, rights and dignity of the people with disabilities.

This organization has been comprised of all categories of disabled people, their parents and relevant resource persons.

Mission of this organization is to contribute for improving the socio-economic and cultural condition of people with disabilities through the promotion of information, knowledge, skill, awareness and advocacy.

AWDP has been registered with the Directorate of Social Services, Ministry of Social Welfare and with the NGO Affairs Bureau, Government of Bangladesh. It’s a member organization of National Disability Forum (NFOWD).

AWDP has had program collaboration with National Foundation for Development of the Disabled Persons (NFDDP) and National Social Welfare Council of the Government, Gram Sampad Unnyan Kendro (GRASUK), Unitarian Service Committee Canada-Bangladesh USCCB, Save the Children-Sweden, Centre for Disability inDevelopment (CDD), Action on Disability and Development (ADD), Lepra-Bangladesh and National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD).

AWDP actively contributed in organizing `2nd Regional Conference of CBR Network’ held in Bangladesh in 1997.

AWDP has published Biwako Millennium Framework for Action (BMF) towards an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific in Bangla and extended its expertise support to theDepartment of Social Services of the government of Bangladesh in the process of mid term review on implementation of the BMF.

AWDP has been well recognized for its universal information communication on disability issues. It publishes a quarterly newsletter `Spondon’

Md. Mahbubul Ashraf
Secretary and Coordinator
220/1, Free School Street Kathal Bagan,
Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
Tel: 880 2 8650528, Mob: 880 1712184642


Resource Centre for visually impaired students launched at Central Library of Dhaka University in Bangladesh

A Resource Centre for visually impaired students was launched at the Central Library of Dhaka University (DU) on 16th August 2007. A large number of Teachers of Dhaka University, Students with Visual Impairment, and leaders and activists of disability movement in Bangladesh were present at the launching ceremony. The Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University Prof SMA Faiz said such centre is essential to ensure the access of visually impaired students to quality education while inaugurating the Centre.

Initially the resource centre included 72 selected braille books on the requirements of visually impaired students studying in 12 departments and one institute. This resource centre has been established with the financial support of Sightsavers International an UK-based support agency that has been working in Bangladesh since 1973 for the prevention of blindness and promotion of the rights of the blind people. The inaugural function was also addressed by Dr Nazma Kabir, Regional Director of South Asia and Caribbean Unit, Dr Caroline Harper, Chief Executive of Sightsaver International and Prof Iqbal Aziz Muktadir, Director of the Institute of Education and Research.

Launching of this Resource Centre created a strong enthusiasm among all students with Visual Impairment. AWDP-Bangladesh is committed to extend every possible support towards strengthening this Centre.


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Anonymous said...

I just now received your email about your new blog site. Congratulations on setting this up! After seeing so many emails from your organization or about your activities, it will be interesting to see further updates on your blog site.

I have added a link to you in my blog roll at We Can Do ( I hope you will reciprocate. The We Can Do blog focuses on issues related to disability, poverty, and human rights in developing countries.

You might also wish to add the organization RatifyNow ( to your blog roll as well. RatifyNow is an organization working on the global campaign to maximize the number of countries that sign, ratify, and implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Andrea Shettle, MSW

Unknown said...

Hi. I commend you and your organization for providing a forum with which you can inform colleagues from all over the world of PWD developments in your local arena. Congratulations! Keep it up, Mr. Ashraf and thank you for keeping the Philippines in the loop. Will be updating you of local happenings very soon. Ciao, Gigi

AWDP-Bangladesh said...

Dear Andrea Shettle,
Thank you so much for visiting our blogspot. We are going to develop our website and ofcourse be able to share much more information of our endeavours for people with disabilities in Bangladesh.

We are really glad that you have added us to your blog roll we can do. We are indeed interested to be added to RatifyNow.

Md. Mahbubul Ashraf
Coordinator, AWDP-Bangladesh

AWDP-Bangladesh said...

Hi gigi,
Thank you so much for your comments and compliment. We are just trying to make our friends learn about what is hapenning around us on disability issue.

Yes, one of our major focus is to bridging the information gap between people with disabilities and their issues at all levels.

Please convey my well wishes to your President Mr. Lim and your friend, JICA Expert, Noriko. We can share and convey your experiences in Philippines to people with disabilites in Bangladesh through our newsletter 'Spondon' (means rhythm of life)

Keep in touch.
Md. Mahbubul Ashraf
Coordinator, AWDP-Bangladesh

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