Saturday, August 29, 2009

DPO Leaders met Speaker of the Parliament

A team of DPO Leaders met Speaker of the Bangladesh National Parliament Advocate Abdul Hamid at his office at Dhaka, on 24 August 2009. The team led by Md. Abdus Sattar Dulal a physically disabled person who is also the Secretary of Disabled Peoples' International (DPI), President of NADPO, a national DPO network and Executive Director of Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity (BPKS) a leading DPO in the country.

Discussion between the honorable Speaker and DPO leaders includes the issues of rights, development and improvement in the quality of lives of people with disabilities in Bangladesh. The meeting focused on the needs for inclusion of disability issues in the national policy documents, amendment in the Rules of Business of the ministries, diversification of disability issues from Ministry of Social Welfare to others, ratified UNCRPD other relevant issues.

Appreciating the role of Speaker in the Parliament the team placed a set of demands for physical accessibility facilities of disabled persons in the parliament building, two reserved seats of MPs for PWDs from each division, inclusion of NADPO in the relevant Parliamentary Standing Committees and recruiting PWD employees in the Parliament Secretariat. The honorable Speaker expressed his same feelings on the issues raised. He suggested that the issues could be raised in the parliament sessons by MPs and then, he committed to do the needful at his level best in support to people with disabilities of the country. This meeting in a congenial environment created a hope for better future of people with disabilities in Bangladesh.

AWDP-Bangladesh congratulates Md. Abdus Sattar Dulal and his team of delegation for such an advocacy meeting with the top level policy maker of the country on the rights of people with disabilities and their issues.

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